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Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

Can you imagine sharing a coffee with an internationally renowned surgeon and having a direct, pleasant and informal conversation?
Thanks to the new "A COFFEE WITH" feature of AIS you will be able to do so!!!
You will have a coffee agenda so you can choose the day and time and enjoy a dose of surgical caffeine of the highest level.
Shall we reserve your stool?

Dr Silvia Secco is a full member of staff at Urologic Clinic, Niguarda Hospital in Milan, where the Retzius-sparing approach for radical robotic prostatectomy has been conceived. 

She moved to Milan after graduating and finishing her residency at the University of Padua. 

She has extensive surgical experience as the first surgeon in Robotic, Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Urological Surgery. 

She is also passionate about functional urology and mini-invasive treatments for LUTS since the very beginning of her residency. 

She is an active member in several Urological Associations (EAU, AUA, SIU, SIUD, AURO). 

She is the  Author of more than 50 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed impact-factored scientific journals with a Scopus H-index of 18 and more than 3000 citations.