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V.A.A.F.T. :Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment

Can you imagine sharing a coffee with an internationally renowned surgeon and having a direct, pleasant and informal conversation?
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Dr. Piercarlo Meinero, M.D., is a distinguished figure in Colorectal and Proctology Surgery. Currently serving as the Director of the Minimally Invasive Colorectal and Proctology Centers at the Montallegro Clinic in Genova and the San Camillo Clinic in Milan, he is renowned for his contributions to the field. Dr. Meinero is also the Director of Advanced Courses in Proctology Surgery at IRCAD Strasbourg. His career highlights include roles as a surgeon at several esteemed institutions and as a Contract Professor at Sapienza University in Rome. Since 2015, he has been a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at various prestigious hospitals, including the Ticino Cantonal Hospital in Mendrisio, Switzerland. Dr. Meinero is recognized for pioneering innovative techniques such as VAAFT (Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment) and EPSIT (Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment). He has also invented essential medical devices, including the Meinero’s Fistuloscope, MFA (Multi-Functional Anoscope), and DILAGENT. As a dedicated educator, Dr. Meinero founded and directs International Advanced Courses in Proctology Surgery in Italy and Switzerland. He has trained numerous surgeons worldwide, specializing in VAAFT and EPSIT techniques. He played key roles in organizing international medical meetings and has received five prestigious international awards for his outstanding contributions. Dr. Meinero's extensive publication record, including 29 manuscripts and involvement as a reviewer in respected medical journals, underscores his commitment to advancing the field. Additionally, he has delivered over 300 scientific lectures globally, solidifying his reputation as a leader in Colorectal and Proctology Surgery.