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A to Z About Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy

Can you imagine sharing a coffee with an internationally renowned surgeon and having a direct, pleasant and informal conversation?
Thanks to the new "A COFFEE WITH" feature of AIS you will be able to do so!!!
You will have a coffee agenda so you can choose the day and time and enjoy a dose of surgical caffeine of the highest level.
Shall we reserve your stool?

Dr. Shashank Shah is an Indian laparoscopic bariatric surgeon, president of 3 societies namely AIAARO (All India Association for Advancing Research in Obesity), OSSI (Obesity Surgery Society Of India), IEF (International Excellence Federation, India Chapter). He is also member of ASMBS, IFSO, SAGES, IHPBA, APHS, ASI, IAGES, AMASI. Dr. Shah is a visiting professor at various universities at France, USA, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Taiwan.